age, ageing gracefully, birthday, fashion, friends, style

New Year New B’day Part 1

(back row from left) vik, loong mun, harry, james, meng hee & kong shin (front row from left) chee meng, lionnel, toon & yuan
(back row from left) vik, loong mun, harry, james, meng hee & kong shin
(front row from left) chee meng, lionnel, toon & yuan

Yes, its that time of the year when the bidthday looms close… And for this year, I was taking off to Seoul with some close friends of mine for a short trip (more of that later…)

Kong offered to cook dinner Saturday night but didn’t offer any other information.  He does this occasionally so I didn’t think anything of it…  When I arrived, a group of my close friends flew out from the various rooms all dressed up… like me! They claimed that the theme was an homage to my style. LOL… Judge from the photo…

food glorious food part 1
food glorious food part 1

And the food, oh the food… James contributed nasi ulam, opor ayam and kerabu nanas while Kong made his famous curry yong tau foo. Vik contributed his delicious stewed chicken with chestnuts while Meng Hee brought a delicious finger-lickin’ mango salad.

food glorious food part 2
food glorious food part 2

For desserts we had cheng tng made by Toon’s in-law with sumptuous cupcakes doubling as birthday cake.. and washed down with Yuan’s bubbly rose champagne.

bubbly & sweets
bubbly & sweets

I sat with Chee Meng to blow out the candles as it was his birthday just a few days ago…

our birthdays some days apart...
our birthdays some days apart…

How can I not be beaming with friends like that!

a toast a toast!
a toast a toast!

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